We cannot BELIEVE that Tenley is 2 already!
Her birthday was June 12th. The present was too big to wrap, so we just covered it with a blanket.
New cup from Maw Maw and Paw Paw.
Waiting for the cake!
Nate tried to get her to dig in, but she only stuck her finger in slightly (and only after we had to convince her that it was OK) and then licked her finger carefully of the tiny bit of frosting that was on it. That's my girl! No messes, please! :-)
Thanks for all the gifts! For the clothes for her and also for her dolls...She loves to take off their clothes and then brings them to you to put them back on again...and again...and again...:-)
Two is a fun age so far. Temper tantrums are very minimal and she is a pleasant little girl who loves to play with her big brother and sister. She loves the outdoors and the pool.
We love you, Tenley!